Sex In Your Advertising

Sex in the City might be over, but Sex In Your Advertising is something that will likely remain a hot topic for discussion for a long time yet.

With research going on for years regarding the impact of sex on the advertising world, it is interesting to know that all this research finally drew a conclusion that everyone else seems to have known all along – sex in advertisements turn off women viewers. It’s like “Duh!”, well, what can we say to this? This bit of behavourial research was actually related to the fact that if you run advertisements during sexy programs (example: Sex in the City) the rate of recall for the advertisements were actually LOWER!

Well, this armchair expert could have told you that! If I am so absorbed by the sexy programmes and even memorising some of the stuff for er… later on; how am I ever going to remember any of the ads?

Well, whatever the case may be, you advertisers now know a secret – the top rated, sexy programmes might have lots of viewership, but might not be the best place to spend your advertising dollars!

Well, does this seem more interesting than our Technorati Favorite Experiment??






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