Online Marketing Revenues from Blogs

When I first started this blog, there were a lot of questions in my mind about where I was going with it. Over time, it was clear to me that while I enjoyed sharing my experiences and knowledge, someone had to pay the bills.

It is not the first time that I have heard about how you could make money blogging through blog advertising, but when my blog started to shape up in terms of its traffic and pagerank, it became a viable option. In my initial enthusiasm, I signed up with SEVEN different paid-to-blog sites. I can tell you one thing, in the end, only three of them turned out to be worth anything. After about 2 months of paid blogging, I am happy with these three, but one stood out as a clear winner. PayPerPost had the depth that could really feed the posts. I could select from many different topics and only blog on the ones that tied nicely to my interests. Even being so picky, it was possible for me to make some decent money blogging. At the least, my domain hosting fees are covered for the rest of the year, and more.

Not all blogs can be accepted, but that is fine by me. It means that only quality blogs are included, which makes it more interesting for online marketers to advertise. I intend to continue working towards better content for my site and hope to be able to take on more of such paid postings. But at the same time, I need to balance this with the interests of my readers. Surprisingly, I get more comments on my paid posts than the others. I think this could be because those posts are on topics that are already of interest generally while my own topics are usually more targeted at marketing professionals in particular.

Whatever the case may be, it is possible to get paid blogging. And even if I don’t become a millionaire from it, at least it pays for my hobby!


[tags]blog, blogging, paid to blog, online marketing[/tags]







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